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Silves (Portugal)

LC control 93011932
Geographic headingSilves (Portugal)
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Geographic subdivision usagePortugal--Silves
Variant(s)Xelb (Portugal)
Found inXelb, 1 (1988): t.p. (Cidade de Silves)
Phone call to BGN, 4/28/93: (Silves, PPL in Portugal; 37'11"N, 8'28"W; no variants)
Work cat.: Gomes, Rosa Varela. Silves (Xelb), uma cidade do Gharb Al-Andalus, 2006: (called Xelb by Moors)
GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009 (ppl; 37°11ʹ00ʺN 008°26ʹ00ʺW)
Geographic area codee-po---
Invalid LCCNn 85072695