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Scottish Natural Heritage (Agency)

LC control 93026278
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingScottish Natural Heritage (Agency)
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Variant(s)Scotland. Scottish Natural Heritage
Great Britain. Scottish Natural Heritage
Nature Conservancy Council for Scotland
SNH (Scottish Natural Heritage)
Dualchas Nàdair na h-Alba
See alsoPredecessor: Nature Conservancy Council (Great Britain)
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Successor: NatureScot (Agency)
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Beginning date1992
Ending date2020-08-24
Associated countryScotland
LocatedInverness (Scotland)
Field of activityNature conservation
Found inEnglish Nature (Agency : Great Britain). Report, 1 Apr. 1991-31 Mar. 1992: p.91 (The functions of the Nature Conservancy Council were taken over by the three country councils, i.e. English Nature, Nature Conservancy Council for Scotland, and Countryside Council for Wales, and by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee)
Caledonian structures in Britain, 1992: p.x (work on this vol. completed by JNCC, acting on behalf of the three country conservation agencies, English Nature, Scottish Natural Heritage, and the Countryside Council for Wales) p.xi (agency headquarters: Scottish Natural Heritage, 12 Hope Terr., Edinburgh EH9 2AS)
Its Annual report, 1992-93: letter of transmittal (SNH; Scottish Natural Heritage)
Scottish Natural Heritage WWW site, 1 Apr. 2005: Gaelic policy (Dualchas Nadair na h-Alba) ; 26 May 2015: contact p. (headquarters: Great Glen House, Leachkin Road, Inverness IV3 8NW)
Wikipedia, viewed 26 May 2015 (Scottish Natural Heritage; SNH; Scottish Gaelic: Dualchas Nàdair na h-Alba; the Scottish public body responsible for the country's natural heritage, especially its natural, genetic and scenic diversity) under Nature Conservancy Council (in 1991 the Nature Conservancy Council was divided between the three participating countries, Scotland, Wales and England (it did not cover Northern Ireland): the Scottish part was amalgamated with the Countryside Commission for Scotland to become Scottish Natural Heritage)
Scottish Government website, viewed 26 May 2015: under Natural heritage management (Scottish Natural Heritage is a non-departmental public body established in 1992)
National Archives website, viewed 26 May 2015 (in 1990, the Nature Conservancy Council became responsible for England only and separate bodies were set up for Wales (Countryside Council for Wales) and Scotland (Scottish Natural Heritage); in 1991 the Nature Conservancy Council was renamed English Nature)
Wikipedia, 6 November 2020 (NatureScot ... was formerly known as Scottish Natural Heritage; In November 2019 it was announced that SNH would be re-branded as NatureScot, however its legal persona and statutory functions would remain unchanged. The change took effect on 24 August 2020)
NatureScot WWW site, 6 November 2020: about NatureScot (Formally Scottish Natural Heritage, our organisation rebranded to NatureScot in August 2020) news, 24 April 2020 (due to the Coronavirus the NatureScot rebrand was delayed - was originally scheduled for 01 May 2020) Corporate plan, 2018-2022 (links to pdf versions in English and Gaelic with the disclaimer: Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) has changed the name to NatureScot as of the 24th August 2020. At the time of publishing, this document may still refer to Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and include the original branding)
Associated languageeng gla
Invalid LCCNn 2001002295