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Repp, Ed Earl, 1900-1979

LC control 93027557
LC classificationPS3511.I247
Personal name headingRepp, Ed Earl, 1900-1979
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Variant(s)Repp, Edward Earl, 1900-1979
Repp, E. E. (Edward Earl), 1900-1979
See alsoFor works written by this author under pseudonyms, search also under Cody, John, 1900-1979 , Field, Peter, 1900-1979
Cody, John, 1900-1979
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Field, Peter, 1900-1979
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Found inHis The radium pool, 1949: t.p. (Ed Earl Repp)
OCLC database, 7-24-93 (hdg.: Repp, Edward Earl, 1900- ; usage: Ed Earl Repp; John Cody; Peter Field) (hdg,: Field, Peter, pseud.; usage not shown)
NUC pre-1956 (note under Repp, Edward Earl, 1900- ; works by Edward Earl Repp published under the name Peter Field are entered in this catalog under Field, Peter, pseud.; x-ref: Cody, John, pseud. see Repp, Edward Earl, 1900-)
Cont. auth., v.85-88: (d. 2/14/1979; wrote sci. fi., westerns, screenplays, and for TV)
Internet movie database WWW site, October 8, 2012 (Ed Earl Repp; b. May 22, 1901, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; birth name, Edward Earl Repp; d. February 14, 1979, California; writer; alternate names, Ed Earl Repp, Sr.; E.E. Repp; Ed. Earl Repp; Edward Earl Repp; Ed Repp)