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Manchester Metropolitan University

LC control 93032330
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingManchester Metropolitan University
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Variant(s)MMU (University)
See alsoPredecessor: Manchester Polytechnic
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Absorbed corporate body: Crewe and Alsager College of Higher Education
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Beginning date1992-09-15
LocatedManchester (England)
Field of activityEducation, Higher
Found inRogerson, I. Albert Rutherston, 1993: title page (Manchester Metropolitan University Library)
World of Learning, 1993 (heading: Manchester Metropolitan University, name changed from Manchester Polytechnic in 1992)
Its Web site, May 23, 2005 (Manchester Metropolitan University; MMU)
Academic. Interpretations. website, viewed February 5, 2021: Manchester Metropolitan University. Main page ( Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) is a university in North West England. Its headquarters and central campus is in the the city of Manchester.) History (Manchester Polytechnic was granted university status as Manchester Metropolitan University on 15 September 1992. It absorbed the Crewe and Alsager College of Higher Education on 1 October 1992.)
Not found inLCCN 85-103148 in OCLC database, 10/27/93: (heading: Manchester Polytechnic)
Associated languageeng