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Scharf, Johann, 1595-1660

LC control 94005166
Personal name headingScharf, Johann, 1595-1660
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Variant(s)Scharf, Joahannes, 1595-1660
Scharff, Johann, 1595-1660
Found inGeorgii Calixti S. Theol. D. ... Ad suam de quaestionibus ... dissertationem appendix, 1650: t.p. (Scharfiano)
NUC pre-56 (hdg: Scharf, Johann, 1595-1660)
Exemplaris metaphysica, 2012: t.p. (Johann Scharff) p. 5-6 (b. June 13 or 18, 1595; professor of philosophy and theology; d. June 6 or 7, 1660)
Bibliotheca chemica, 1906, p. 328 (Johann Scharf or Scharff; b. June 13 or 18 1595; d. January 6 or 7, 1660)
Invalid LCCNn 2012051505