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Deering, Nathaniel C. (Nathaniel Cobb), 1827-1887

LC control 94008098
Personal name headingDeering, Nathaniel C. (Nathaniel Cobb), 1827-1887
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Deering, Mr. (Nathaniel Cobb), 1827-1887
Found inJoab Spencer and James R. Mead, 1882?: p. 1 (Mr. Deering, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, House)
Members of Cong. since 1789, 1977 (Deering, Nathaniel Cobb, R. Iowa, Sept. 2, 1827-Dec. 11, 1887; House 1877-83)
MoSU-L/Nat. Am. files (usage: Nathaniel C. Deering)