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Des Autels, Guillaume, 1529-approximately 1581

LC control 94026613
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingDes Autels, Guillaume, 1529-approximately 1581
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Variant(s)Autels, Guillaume des, 1529-approximately 1581
Des Aotels, Gyllaome, 1529- approximately 1581
Des Autels, Guillaume, 1529-ca. 1581
Des Autelz, Guillaume, 1529-approximately 1581
Birth date1529
Death date1581~
Found inAmoureux repos, 1553: t.p. (Guillaume des Autelz, gentilhomme Charrolois)
Response de Louis Meigret ..., 1551: t.p. (Gyllaome des Aotels)
Dict. de biog. franç. (Des Autels, Guillaume; b. 1529 at Charolles; d. ca. 1581)
Index biog. franç., 1993 (Des Autels, Guillaume; ou Autelz; 1529-1580; poète)