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Brady, James D. (James Dennis), 1843-1900

LC control 95053143
Personal name headingBrady, James D. (James Dennis), 1843-1900
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Variant(s)Brady, J. D. (James Dennis), 1843-1900
Brady, Jas. D. (James Dennis), 1843-1900
Brady, Mr. (James Dennis), 1843-1900
Found inPassage by the Democratic House of Representatives ... 1886: caption title (Hon. James D. Brady, of Virginia)
Removal of Union soldiers and sailors ... 1886: t.p. (Hon. J. D. Brady of Virginia)
Bio. dir. Am. Con., 1961 (Brady, James Dennis; b. Portsmouth, Va., 1843; moved to New York City at the age of 12; served in the Union Army; returned to Portsmouth after the War; collector of internal revenue, 2nd district of Va., June 1877 until his death, except for 8 yrs.; Republican Representative to the 49th Congress, 1885-1887; studied law, and admitted to the bar in Washington, D. C. in 1892; d. Petersburg, Va., Nov. 30, 1900)
OCLC, 10/29/95 (hdgs.: Brady, James D. (James Dennis), 1843-1900, Brady, James Dennis, 1843-1900; usage: Jas. D. Brady)
Abby L. Burbank, 1886: p. 1 (Mr. Brady, from the Committee on Pensions)