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Ziehen, Ludwig, 1871-1949

LC control 96000475
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingZiehen, Ludwig, 1871-1949
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Ziehen, L. (Ludwig), 1871-1949
Ziehen, Ludovicus, 1871-1949
Ziehen, Ludwig, b. 1871
Birth date1871-01-07
Death date1949-05
Place of birthFrankfurt am Main (Germany)
Place of deathRoitzsch (Germany)
Found inLeges Graceorum sacrae, 1988: t.p. (Ludovicus Ziehen) cover (L. Ziehen)
OCLC data base, 1-4-96 (hdg.: Ziehen, Ludwig, 1871-)
Wikipedia, 9 January 2023 (Ludwig Ziehen; born 7 January 1871 in Frankfurt am Main; died May 1949 in Roitzsch; German classical philologist)
Not found inDeutscher biog. Index.
Associated languageger