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String Trio of New York

LC control 96015049
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingString Trio of New York
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Found inString Trio of New York. Natural balance [SR] p1987: label (String Trio of New York) insert (Billy Bang, violin; James Emery, guitars; John Lindberg, bass)
String Trio of New York. Octagon [SR] p1994: label (String Trio of New York) container (John Lindberg, bass; James Emery, guitar; Regina Carter, violin) insert (founded 1977; Billy Bang, violin, 1977-1986, Charles Burnham, violin, 1987-1991)
New Grove dict. of jazz (String Trio of New York; trio formed in 1977 by Billy Bang)
Library of Congress Music Division concert, 1997-03-13 [SR] 1997: program notes (Diane Monroe, violin; John Lindberg, double bass; James Emery, guitar)