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Ladd, Alan, 1937-2022

LC control 96042621
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLadd, Alan, 1937-2022
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date1937-10-22
Death date2022-03-02
Place of birthLos Angeles (Calif.)
Place of deathLos Angeles (Calif.)
Field of activityMotion pictures--Production and direction
Profession or occupationMotion picture producers and directors
Found inBraveheart, 1996: credits (Alan Ladd, Jr.)
Halliwell's filmgoer's & video viewer's comp., c1995: (Ladd, Alan, Jr.; b. 1937; Am. producer; son of actor Alan Ladd)
IMDb, October 3, 2018: (Alan Ladd, Jr.; born: October 22, 1937 in Los Angeles, California, USA)
Wikipedia, Mar. 22, 2022: Alan Ladd Jr. (Alan Walbridge Ladd Jr. (October 22, 1937 [Los Angeles] - March 2, 2022 [Los Angeles]) was an American film industry executive and producer.)
Associated languageeng