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Hofmann, Konrad, 1819-1890

LC control 96051513
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHofmann, Konrad, 1819-1890
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Variant(s)Hofmann, Conrado, 1819-1890
Birth date1819-11-14
Death date1890-09-30
Found inLutwins Adam und Eva, 1881: t.p. (Konrad Hofmann)
OCLC, 10/7/96 (hdg.: Hofmann, Konrad Albrich, 1819-1890; usage: Konrad Hofmann)
Romances viejos Castellanos, 1928: t.p. (D. Conrado Hofmann)
Wikipedia, Jul. 2, 2024 (Konrad Hofmann (b. Nov. 14, 1819 in Kloster Banz; d. Sep. 30, 1890 in Waging am See); German Romance scholar, Germanist, and medievalist)