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Hale, Alan, 1958-

LC control 97022166
Personal name headingHale, Alan, 1958-
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Found inEverybody's comet, c1996: t.p. (Alan Hale) p. 162 (b. 1958 in Tachikawa, Japan; lived in Alamogordo, N.M. until 1976; bach. degr. in physics, U.S. Naval Acad.; worked 2.5 yrs. as a Deep Space Network engr. at JPL in Pasadena; Ph. D. in Astronomy, N.M. St. Univ., 1992; founded and is dir. of Southwest Inst. for Space Res.; co-discov. of Hale-Bopp Comet; lives in Cloudcroft, N.M.)
OCLC #26510168, 4/8/97 (hdg.: Hale, Alan, 1958- ; usage Alan Hale; author's Ph. D. thesis, N.M. St. Univ.)