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Campbell, Larry, 1955-

LC control 97029331
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingCampbell, Larry, 1955-
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Variant(s)Campbell, Larry, guitarist
Birth date19550221
Place of birthNew York, N.Y.
Field of activityMusic industry
Profession or occupationGuitar player String instrument player Composer
Found inMusic by Maureen McElheron from The tune, p1992: insert (Larry Campbell; guitarist, composer)
Wikipedia, Sept. 12, 2012 (Larry Campbell (musician) Larry Campbell (born February 21, 1955 in New York City) is a multi-instrumentalist who plays many stringed instruments (including guitar, mandolin, pedal steel guitar, slide guitar, and violin) in genres including country, folk, blues, and rock. Years active: 1980-)
Not found inInt. ww in music, 15th ed.; Guinness encyc. of popular music, 2nd ed.