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Shearing, Joseph, 1888-1952

LC control 97058531
LC classificationPR6003.O676
Personal name headingShearing, Joseph, 1888-1952
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See alsoWorks by this author are entered under the name used in the item. For a listing of other names used by this author, search also under: Bowen, Marjorie, 1888-1952.
Bowen, Marjorie, 1888-1952
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Found inThe heiress of Frascati, 1966: t.p. (Joseph Shearing)
Contemporary authors, v. 116, p. 56 (different d.o.b. cited under: Campbell, (Gabrielle) Margaret (Vere) 1886-1952 (Marjorie Bowen, Robert Paye, George Preedy, Joseph Shearing, John Winch). b. 10-29-1886, Hayling Island, Hampshire, England; d. 12-23-52; wrote historical novels under pseud. Marjorie Bowen; crime novels under pseud. Joseph Shearing)