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Clark, James, 1931-2016

LC control 97058566
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingClark, James, 1931-2016
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Clark, Jim, 1931-2016
Birth date1931-05-24
Death date2016-02-25
Place of birthBoston (England)
Place of deathLondon (England)
Profession or occupationMotion picture editors Motion picture producers and directors Authors
Found inDarling, 1986, c1965: title frame (film editor, James Clark)
LEXIS/NEXIS, Oct. 6, 1997: Cont. theatre, film, tv, 1992: v. 10 (Jim Clark; variant James Clark; b. May 24, 1931, Boston, Lincolnshire, England; film editor, director, writer; writings, The Christmas Tree, 1966)
The defeat of the Spanish Armada [VR] 1993, c1988: end credits (devised and written by James Clark)
Wikipedia, viewed Nov. 8, 2016 (Jim Clark; b. James Clark, May 24, 1931, Boston, Lincolnshire; d. Feb. 25, 2016, London; British film editor with more than forty feature film credits; also directed eight features and short films)
Associated languageeng