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Mattiesen, Emil, 1875-1939

LC control 97064234
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMattiesen, Emil, 1875-1939
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Variant(s)Mattiesen, 1875-1939
Birth date1875-01-24
Death date1939-09-25
Place of birthTartu (Estonia)
Place of deathRostock (Germany)
Profession or occupationComposers
Found inMattiesen. Lieder für eine Singstimme und Klavier, op. 3, no. 5-8, c1914: t.p. (Emil Mattiesen)
MGG (Mattiesen, Emil; b. Jan. 24, 1875, Dorpat (Baltikum), d. Sept. 25, 1939, Rostock-Gehlsdorf; philosopher, musician)
OCLC database, Sept. 30, 1997 (hdg.: Mattiesen, Emil, 1875-1939; usage: Mattiesen, Emil Mattiesen, Dr. Emil Mattiesen)