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Carey, Ron

LC control 97065529
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingCarey, Ron
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Variant(s)Cicenia, Ronald Joseph
Place of birthNewark (N.J.)
Place of deathLos Angeles (Calif.)
Profession or occupationActors Actors
Found inLucky Luke, 1996: credits (Ron Carey)
Contemporary theatre, film & television, v. 8 (Carey, Ron, b. Ronald J. Cicenia, Dec. 11, 1935; actor, released record The Slightly Irreverent Comedy of Ron Carey in 1966)
LC in OCLC, Oct. 29, 1997 (hdg.: Carey, Ron)
IMDb website, viewed Aug. 18, 2015 (Ron Carey, actor and comedian; b. Dec. 11, 1935 in Newark, New Jersey; d. Jan. 16, 2007 in Los Angeles, California; birth name, Ronald Joseph Cicenia)