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Williams, Billy, 1938-

LC control 97067974
Personal name headingWilliams, Billy, 1938-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Found inIron man, 1970: t.p. (Billy Williams)
The baseball encyclopedia, 10th ed. (Williams, Billy, b. Billy Leo Williams, June 15, 1938)
LC in OCLC, Nov. 21, 1997 (hdg.: Williams, Billy)
Williams, Billy. Billy Williams, c2007: ECIP t.p. (Billy Williams)
Wikipedia, April 8, 2008 (Billy Leo Williams (born June 15, 1938) is an American former outfielder in professional baseball. He batted left-handed and threw right-handed. A highly competitive player on talented Chicago Cubs teams)
Invalid LCCNn 2008004473