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Butterbeans & Susie (Musical group)

LC control 97070560
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingButterbeans & Susie (Musical group)
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Variant(s)Butterbeans and Susie (Musical group)
See alsoEdwards, Jody
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Edwards, Susie, 1896-1963
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Found inThe roots of rap [SR] p1996: container (Butterbeans & Susie) insert (Black vaudeville performers)
LC database, Dec. 2, 1997 (MLC hdg.: Butterbeans & Susie (Musical group))
Harris, S. Blues who's who, 1981, c1979: p. 172-3 (under entry for Edwards, Susie: Butterbeans & Susie; Susie (née Hawthorn) and Jody Edwards, singing/dancing comedic team, billed as "Edwards and Hawthorn," then "Edwards and Edwards" and later "Butterbeans and Susie")
Guinness enc. of popular mus. (Butterbeans and Susie; Butterbeans (b. Jody Edwards Butterbeans, July 19, 1895, Georgia; d. Oct. 28, 1967) and Susie (b. Susie Hawthorn, 1896, Pensacola, Fla.; d. Dec. 5, 1963, Chicago, Ill.; Black vaudeville team)
Invalid LCCNno 98004796