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Kraner, Friedrich, 1812-1863

LC control 98054256
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingKraner, Friedrich, 1812-1863
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Variant(s)Kraner, Fridericus, 1812-1863
Kraner, Fr. (Friedrich), 1812-1863
See alsoEmployer: Thomasschule (Leipzig, Germany)
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Employer: Gymnasium zu Zwickau
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Birth date1812-10-15
Death date1863-01-17
Place of birthEibenstock (Germany)
Place of deathLeipzig (Germany)
Field of activityLatin language Latin literature
AffiliationThomasschule (Leipzig, Germany)
Gymnasium zu Zwickau
Profession or occupationClassicists
Found inFriderici Kraneri Narratio de humanitatis studiorum ... 1843: t.p. (Friderici Kraneri)
OCLC, Jan. 26, 1998 (hdg.: Kraner, Friedrich, 1812-1863; usages: Friedrich Kraner, Fridericus Kraner, Fr. Kraner)
Wikipedia, 4 August 2021 (Friedrich Kraner; born 15 October 1812 in Eibenstock; died 17 January 1863 in Leipzig; German schoolteacher and classical philologist; taught at Annaberg, Meissen; director of the gymnasium in Zwickau; rector of Thomasschule in Leipzig)
Associated languageeng