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Dilleshaw, John

LC control 98058416
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingDilleshaw, John
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Dilleshaw, J. N. (John N.)
Dilly, approximately 1896-1941
Seven Foot Dilly
Birth date1896~
Death date1941
Special noteMachine-derived authority record.
Found inLCCN 96-792666: Georgia bust down, 1930, 1994.
Times ain't like they used to be. Vol. 1 [SR] p1997: container (Seven Foot Dilly) insert (John Dilleshaw, guitarist)
OCLC, Dec. 3, 1998 (hdg.: Dilleshaw, John; usage: John Dilleshaw; Seven Foot Dilly; John 'Seven Foot Dilly' Dilleshaw)
Legend of John Dilleshaw, viewed Nov. 21, 2006 (Dilly and His Dill Pickles, as the record labels read; b. ca. 1896 on Pumpkinvine Creek, back of New Hope, Ga.; Dilly; Seven Foot Dilly; J.N. Dilleshaw; d. 1941)