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Lane, Philip R., 1969-

LC control 98070356
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Personal name headingLane, Philip R., 1969-
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Found inHis Voracity and growth, 1997, surrogate: t.p. (Philip R. Lane; Harvard Institute of Economic Research, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.)
Are windfalls a curse?, 1994: t.p. (Philip Lane) p. following t.p. (Dept. of Economics, Harvard University)
GAO authority record, received 3/5/98 (Philip Richard Lane; Dept. of Economics, Harvard Univ.; b. 1969, per 11/29/95 call to author)
OCLC #34361208, 6/12/98 (hdg.: Lane, Philip Richard; usage: (Philip Richard Lane; author's Ph. D. thesis, Harvard Univ., 1995)
Why aren't savings rates in Latin America cyclical?, c1998: t.p. (Philip R. Lane) abstract (Econ. Dept., Trinity Coll. Dublin, Dublin, Ireland)
Univ. of Dublin, Trinity Coll., Dept. of Econ, online site, 6/12/98: academic staff (Lane, Dr. P. R.; Philip Lane; BA (Mod.) (Economics), Trinity Coll. Dublin, 1991; A.M., Harvard 1993; Ph. D., Harvard 1995; lecturer in econ.; ass't. prof of econ and int'l. affairs, Columbia Univ., 1995-1997; res. affil., Ctre. for Econ. Pol. Anal., 10/97- )