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Seweryn, Andrzej

LC control 98089148
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSeweryn, Andrzej
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Birth date1946-04-25
Place of birthHeilbronn (Germany)
Field of activityActing
Profession or occupationActors
Found inDyrygent, 1994: cast credits (Andrzej Seweryn)
Andrzej Seweryn, 2001: p. 365 (Andrzej Teodor Seweryn; b. Apr. 25, 1946)
Cyrano de Bergerac, 2008: title frame (Andrzej Seweryn)
IMDb, June 3, 2010 (Andrzej Seweryn; b. Apr. 25, 1946 in Heilbronn, Germany; actor)