LC control no. | no 98090026 |
Geographic heading | Malmédy (Belgium) |
Geographic subdivision usage | Belgium--Malmédy |
Found in | Folklore (Malmédy, Belgium), 1993/1994: t.p. (Malmédy, Belgium) Columbia Lippincott, c1962: (Malmédy; town, Liége prov., E Belgium in N Ardennes, on Warche R. and 25 mi. SE of Liége, near Ger. line. Until 1815, part of independent territory of abbey of Stavelot; awarded to Prussia by Congress of Vienna; awarded (1919) to Belgium after plebiscite under Treaty of Versailles) GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009 (ppl; 50°25ʹ00ʺN 006°02ʹ00ʺE) |
Geographic area code | e-be--- |