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Marins, José Mojica

LC control 98100684
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMarins, José Mojica
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Variant(s)Mojica Marins, José
Birth date1936-03-13
Death date2020-02-19
Place of deathSão Paulo (Brazil)
Field of activityActing Motion pictures--Production and direction
Profession or occupationMotion picture actors and actresses Motion picture producers and directors
Found inO estranho mundo de Zé do Caixão, 1993: credits (José Mojica Marins)
Maldito, 1998: t.p. (José Mojica Marins) p. 32 (b. Mar. 13, 1936)
El país WWW site, viewed Feb. 25, 2020 (in obituary dated Feb. 20, 2020: José Mojica Marins, film actor and director who died Wednesday [Feb. 19, 2020] in São Paulo at age 83; born March 13, 2020)
Associated languagepor