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Ancillon, Jean Pierre Frédéric, 1767-1837

LC control 98110168
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingAncillon, Jean Pierre Frédéric, 1767-1837
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Ancillon, F., 1767-1837
Ancillon, Frédéric, 1767-1837
Ancillon, Friedrich, 1767-1837
Ancillon, J. P. F., 1767-1837
Ancillon, Johann Peter Friedrich, 1767-1837
Birth date1767-04-30
Death date1837-04-19
Place of birthBerlin (Germany)
Place of deathBerlin (Germany)
Field of activityPolitical science--Philosophy
Profession or occupationHistorians Statesmen Foreign ministers Intellectuals
Found inDe l'esprit des constitutions politiques et son ... 1850: t.p.(Jean Pierre Frederic Ancillon)
Tableau des révolutions du système politique de l'Europe, depuis la fin du quinzième siècle, 1823: title page (Par Frédéric Ancillon)
OCLC, April 13, 2020 (access points: Ancillon, J.P.F.; Ancillon, Jean Frédéric, Ancillon, Jean Pierre Frédéric, Ancillon, Jean Pierre Frédéric, 1767-1837, Ancillon, Johann Peter Friedrich, 1767-1837; usage: Frédéric Ancillon, Jean Pierre Frédéric Ancillon, Friedrich Ancillon, Johann Peter Friedrich Ancillon, J.P.F. Ancillon, F. Ancillon, Ancillon)
Britannica Online, April 13, 2020 (Johann Peter Friedrich Ancillon, Jean Pierre Frédéric Ancillon; Prussian historian, statesman, foreign minister, political philosopher; born April 30, 1767 in Berlin; died April 19, 1837 in Berlin)
Deutsche Biografie online, April 13, 2020 (Ancillon, Johann Peter Friedrich (Jean Pierre Frédéric), Prussian minister and scholar; Calvinist; born April 30 1767 in Berlin; died April 19, 1837 in Berlin)