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Wernsdorf, Gottlieb, 1668-1729

LC control 98111956
Personal name headingWernsdorf, Gottlieb, 1668-1729
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Variant(s)Wernssdorff, Gottlieb, 1668-1729
Wernsdorff, Gottlieb, 1668-1729
Found inRectore academiae magnificentissimo, serenissimo principe ac domino, Dn. Friderico Augusto, electoratus saxonici herede, etc, etc, 1702: t.p. (Gottlieb Wernsdorfio)
OCLC, Sept. 30, 1998 (hdgs:. Wernsdorf, Gottlieb, 1668-1729; Wernsdorff, Gottlieb)
Kurtzes und wohl gegründetes Bedencken über Tit. Hrn. D. Sam. Strimesii, 1705: t.p. (D. Gottlieb Wernssdorffen, der H. Schrifft Prof. Publ. Extr. zu Wittenberg)
North German Union Catalog database (GBV), Dec. 20, 1999 (hdg.: Wernsdorf, Gottlieb, 1668-1729; general superintendent and professor of theology at Wittenberg)