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Mantello, Joe

LC control 98113562
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMantello, Joe
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date1962-12-27
Place of birthRockford (Ill.)
Field of activityActing Motion pictures--Production and direction
AffiliationNorth Carolina School of the Arts
Profession or occupationActors Motion picture producers and directors
Found inLove! valour! compassion!, 1996: credits (Joe Mantello)
VideoHound's golden movie retriever, 1998: (Mantello, Joe; director)
IMDb, September 16, 2024: (Joe Mantello; actor, diretor, producer; Born December 27, 1962 in Rockford, Illinois; graduated the North Carolina School of the Arts and in 1984)
Associated languageeng