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Meier, Robert, 1966-

LC control 98115694
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMeier, Robert, 1966-
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Associated countryGermany
Birth date1966
AffiliationBayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Special noteOld catalog heading: Meier, Robert
Found inMeier, Robert. Heinrich van Beeck und seine "Agrippina", 1998: title page (Robert Meier)
Hohenlohe in alten Zeiten, 2004: title page (Robert Meier) jacket (born 1966)
Julius Echter, 2017: back cover (Dr. Robert Meier ist Archivar, Publizist, & Lehrbeauftragter an der Univ. Würzburg)
Associated languageger
Invalid LCCNn 2006069438