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Stausberg, Michael

LC control 99015847
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingStausberg, Michael
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Other standard no.0000000116519876
Birth date1966-04-28
Place of birthCologne (Germany)
Field of activityReligion
AffiliationUniversitetet i Bergen
Profession or occupationCollege teachers Editors
Found inFaszination Zarathushtra, 1998: t.p. (Michael Stausberg)
OCLC, 5 Mar. 1999 (hdg.: Stausberg, Michael)
Religion and tourism, 2011: t.p. (Michael Stausberg)
Defining magic, 2012: E-Cip t.p. (Michael Stausberg) data view (b. Apr. 28, 1966 ; professor, Study of Religion, Univ. of Bergen)
Wikipedia, viewed March 8, 2023 (Michael Stausberg; born April 28, 1966 in Cologne; scholar on religion; professor at the University of Bergen, Norway)