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Jones, Mickey

LC control 99017794
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingJones, Mickey
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See alsoCorporate body: Kenny Rogers and the First Edition (Musical group)
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Birth date1941-06-10
Death date2018-02-07
Place of birthHouston (Tex.)
Place of deathSimi Valley (Calif.)
Field of activityDrum set--Performance Acting Rock music
Profession or occupationDrummers Actors Rock musicians
Found inLive 1966 [SR] p1998: insert (Mickey Jones; drums; recorded May 1966 in Manchester, England)
OCLC, Mar. 8, 1999 (hdg.: Jones, Mickey)
All-music guide website, Mar. 8, 1999 (Mickey Jones; rock drummer; performed with Bob Dylan, Johnny Rivers)
The Band website, Mar. 8, 1998 (Mickey Jones; Texan drummer; played with Johnny Rivers, Trini Lopez, Kenny Rogers, The First Edition, joined the Dylan/Hawks tour in 1966)
IMDb, Aug. 24, 2012 (Mickey Jones; b. June 10, 1941 in Houston, Tex.; drummer turned actor; played with Dylan and the Hawks)
Wikipedia, May 20, 2015 (Mickey Jones; b. June 10, 1941 in Houston, Tex.; drummer, character actor)
Wikipedia, May 15, 2024 (Mickey Jones; d. Feb. 7, 2018 in Simi Valley, Calif.)