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Starke, Christoph, 1684-1744

LC control 99040804
Personal name headingStarke, Christoph, 1684-1744
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Variant(s)Starcke, Christoph, 1684-1744
Found inSynopsis bibliothecae exegeticae in Novum Testamentum, 1740-1741: t.p. (Christoph Starcke, pastore primario und Garnison-Prediger der Stadt und Vestung Driesen)
North German Union Catalog database (GBV), June 7, 1999 (hdg.: Starke, Christoph, 1684-1744; theologian; x-ref.: Starcke, Christoph)
OCLC, June 7, 1999 (hdg.: Starke, Christoph, 1684-1744; usage: Christoph Starke, Christoph Starcke)