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Van Bork, Bert

LC control 99051536
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingVan Bork, Bert
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Variant(s)Bork, Bert van
LocatedChicago (Ill.)
Birth date1928
Death date2014-10-29
Place of birthAugustusburg (Germany)
Profession or occupationMotion picture producers and directors Artists
Found inJacques Lipchitz, the artist at work, 1966: t.p. (Bert van Bork)
The single-celled animals [MP] 1962: credits (Bert Van Bork, producer and director)
Wikipedia, Aug. 28, 2024 (Bert Van Bork; b. 1928, Augustusburg, Germany; d. Oct. 29, 2014; German-born producer, director, cinematographer, still photographer, painter, and printer; studied fine arts in Germany before moving to Chicago where he shot and directed instructional films)