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Chong, Alberto

LC control 99080636
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingChong, Alberto
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Variant(s)Lam, Alberto E. Chong
Chong Lam, Alberto E.
Birth date19630710
Found inTechnology and epidemics, c1999: caption (Alberto Chong)
On human capital and development, 1993: t.p. (Alberto E. Chong Lam)
E-mail from author, Nov. 3, 2000 (indicates name normally used is Alberto E. Chong; author of Caja municipales: microcredito..., Technology and epidemics, and On human capital and development)
Privatization in Latin America, 2005: CIP data sheet (hdg.: Chong, Alberto; d. of b. July 10, 1963)