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Libri, Girolamo dai, 1474-1555

LC control 00033466
Personal name headingLibri, Girolamo dai, 1474-1555
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Variant(s)Dai Libri, Girolamo, 1474-1555
Girolamo, dai Libri, 1474-1555
Gerolamo, dai Libri, 1474-1555
Found inBull. of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, June 1920: The acquisition of a Girolamo dai Libri, p. 137, etc.
Thieme-Becker (Libri, Girolamo dai; b. Verona 1474; d. Verona July 2, 1555; painter and miniaturist)
Dict. of art online, Oct. 23, 2000 (dai Libri, Girolamo; grandson of Stefano 'a Libris'; b. perhaps in Verona 1474-1475; d. perhaps in Verona July 2, 1555)
Union List of Artist Names, Oct. 23, 2000 (Girolamo dai Libri; Gerolamo dai Libri; Girolamo dai Libri (Veccia); Girolamo dai Libri (Vecco); 1474-1555; 1474?-1555; Italian illuminator)
LC database, Dec. 4, 2000 (hdg.: Libri, Girolamo dai, d. 1555 [from old catalog])