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Grant, Alexander, 1925-2011

LC control 00036636
Personal name headingGrant, Alexander, 1925-2011
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Found inInterview with Alexander Grant [SR], 1980 (Alexander Grant; dancer, teacher, dir. National Ballet of Canada)
International encyclopedia of dance, v. 3, 1998: p. 236 (Alexander Grant; b. 22 Feb. 1925, Wellington, New Zealand; dancer, teacher; dir. National Ballet of Canada, 1976-1983; dir. Ballet for All, 1971-1976)
New York times WWW site, Oct. 3, 2011 (Alexander Grant; b. Feb. 22, 1925, Wellington, N.Z.; d. Friday [Sept. 30, 2011], London, aged 86; his portrayal of childlike suitors, muddled husbands, English eccentrics, pirate chiefs, and Shakespearean rustics made him one of British ballet's most beloved stars)