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Amakasu, Masahiko, 1891-1945

LC control no.nr2001004497
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingAmakasu, Masahiko, 1891-1945
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Variant(s)甘粕正彥, 1891-1945
甘粕正彦, 1891-1945
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
Non-Latin script references reviewed in NACO CJK Funnel References Project.
Found inMondai no hito Amakasu Masahiko, 1997
Nihon jinmei d.j. Gendai, 1979 (Amakasu Masahiko; r.; 1891-1945; army officer; politician)
OCLC #123006752, January 21, 2025 (access point: 甘粕正彦, 1891-1945 = Amakasu, Masahiko, 1891-1945; usage: 甘粕正彦 = Amakasu Masahiko)