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Nötzoldt, Fritz, 1908-

LC control no.nr2001032018
Personal name headingNötzoldt, Fritz, 1908-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Found inWarum weinst du holde Gärtnersfrau (1968), c1959: t.p. (Fritz Nötzoldt)
Mein Weib ist pfutsch, 1969: t.p. (Fritz Nötzoldt) p. opp. t.p. (b. 1908 in Nöschenrode, Harz; radio reporter and journalist; also writes childrens books)
RLIN, Aug. 8, 2001 (hdg.: Nötzoldt, Fritz; Nötzoldt, Fritz, 1908-; usage: Fritz Nötzoldt)