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Tavares, Ana Paula

LC control no.nr2003020295
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPQ9929.T38
Personal name headingTavares, Ana Paula
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Variant(s)Tavares, Paula, 1952-
Birth date1952
Place of birthHuila (Angola)
Field of activityAfrican literature (Portuguese)--History and criticism Angola--History
Profession or occupationPoets Authors
Found inAfricæ monumenta, 2002-: t.p. (Ana Paula Tavares)
Her Ritos de passagem, 1985: t.p. (Paula Tavares)
A cabeca de Salome, 2004: t.p. (Ana Paula Tavares) p. 4 of cover (Ana Paula Tavares; b. in Huila, Sul de Angola in 1952; masters in Portuguese African literature; works include: Ritos de passagem and O lago da lua; contributed to prose and poetry anthologies in Portugal, Brazil, France, Germany, and Spain and has published essays on the history of Angola)
Invalid LCCNn 89632885