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Nash, Niecy

LC control no.nr2004012307
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingNash, Niecy
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Variant(s)Nash-Betts, Niecy
Betts, Carol Denise
Betts, Niecy Nash-
Birth date1970-02-23
Place of birthUnited States
Field of activityActing
Profession or occupationActors
Found inCookie's fortune motion picture stills collection, 1998: photo caption (Niecy Nash)
Internet movie database WWW site, Apr. 20, 2004: (Niecy Nash; actress)
It's hard to fight naked, 2013: eCIP t.p. (Niecy Nash) data view screen (popular comedian and television actress; currently lives in Los Angeles with her husband and children)
Origin, 2024: credits (Niecy Nash-Betts, cast)
Wikipedia, February 24, 2025 (Carol Denise Betts; born February 23, 1970; known professionally as Niecy Nash; American actress; married singer Jessica Betts in 2020)
Nash's Instagram profile, February 24, 2025 (Niecy Nash; also known as Carol Denise Betts)