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Hyrtl, Jakob, 1799-1868

LC control no.nr2004016234
Personal name headingHyrtl, Jakob, 1799-1868
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Variant(s)Hyrtl, J. (Jakob), 1799-1868
Hirtel, Jakob, 1799-1868
Hirtl, Jakob, 1799-1868
Found inAnatomie der mikroskopischen Gebilde des menschlichen KoĢˆrpers, 1836-1842: plates (some signed J. Hyrtl sc.; 1 signed J.J. Hirtl sc.)
Thieme-Becker (Hyrtl (Hirtel, Hirtl), Jakob, engraver, b. Vienna Nov. 23, 1799, d. Vienna Oct. 17, 1868; brother of anatomist Joseph Hyrtl)