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Johnston, Harold, 1920-2012

LC control no.nr2004024621
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingJohnston, Harold, 1920-2012
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Variant(s)Johnston, Hal (Harold), 1920-2012
Johnston, Harold S., 1920-2012
Associated placeBerkeley (Calif.)
Birth date1920-10-11
Death date2012-10-20
Place of birthWoodstock (Ga.)
Field of activityChemistry
Profession or occupationCollege teachers Authors
Found inA bridge not attacked, c2003: t.p. (Harold Johnston; Univ. of California, Berkeley) front flap (Harold (Hal) Johnston; b. Woodstock, Georgia, Oct. 11, 1920; graduated Emory Univ., Georgia in Chemistry, minor in English Literature; graduate studies Calif. Institute of Technology; Ph.D. in Chemistry; worked with the U.S. Army Chemical Warfare Service; faculty of Chemistry at Stanford Univ., Caltech, and Univ. of Calif. Berkeley)
"In Memoriam, Harold S. Johnston, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, UC Berkeley, 1920-2012", via University of California Senate WWW site, viewed Feburary 6, 2025 (Harold S. Johnston; born October 11, 1920 in Woodstock, Georgia; died October 20, 2012)