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Borries, Friedrich von

LC control no.nr2005024370
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPT2702.O765
Personal name headingBorries, Friedrich von
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Variant(s)Von Borries, Friedrich
LocatedBerlin (Germany)
Birth date1974
Place of birthBerlin (Germany)
Profession or occupationArchitects
Found inWho's afraid of Niketown?, 2004: t.p. (Friedrich von Borries)
Borries, Friedrich von. Sozialistische Cowboys, 2008: t.p. (Friedrich von Borries) facing t.p. (b. 1974; architect; lives in Berlin)
His RLF, 2013: t.p. (Friedrich von Borries) cover flap (born 1974 in Berlin)
Associated languageger