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Creek Nation

LC control no.nr2006010767
Descriptive conventionsrda
Geographic headingCreek Nation
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Geographic subdivision usageCreek Nation
Variant(s)Muskogee Confederacy
Muskogee Nation
Creek Nation of Indians
See alsoMuscogee (Creek) Nation, Oklahoma
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities
Ending date1836
Special noteHeading valid for use on records by or about the nation prior to 1837
Found inIts A treaty of limits between the United States of America and the Creek Nation of Indians, 16th June, 1802, 1802.
Its Memorial of a deputation from the Creek Nation of Indians, complaining that certain acts of the state of Alabama are in violation of the acts and ammunities guarranteed to their nation by treaty stipulations, with the United States, 1830.
Green, M.D. The Creeks a critical bibliography, 1979: p. 7, etc. (Creek Nation; confederacy; alliance of separate and independent tribes that gradually became over a long period a single political organization; in 1820's U.S. government negotiated for removal to the West, resulting at first in removal from Georgia but no farther than Alabama; U.S. government extended financial promises and encouragements for voluntary removal from Alabama to the West; Indian Removal Act of 1830 brought about forced removal and main body of Creeks arrived in the West in late 1836)
Encylopedia of North American Indians (Creek (Muskogee); native inhabitants of the Southeast; had no single name for themselves; name, Creeks, came from English traders; in eighteenth century formed multivillage confederacy held together in part by Muskogee language; after Creek Civil War 1813-1814, confederacy evolved into Muskogee Nation)
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of two ratified treaties entered into on the part of the United States, 1815: t.p. (Creek Nation of Indians)
Geographic area coden-usu--