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Adams, A. E. (A. Emmett)

LC control no.nr2006029904
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingAdams, A. E. (A. Emmett)
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Variant(s)Adams, A. Emmett
Adams, Emmett (A. Emmett)
Adams, George Archibald Emmett
Birth date1889
Death date1938-10-30
Place of birthSydney (N.S.W.)
Place of deathLondon (England)
Profession or occupationComposers Lyricists Arrangers (Musicians)
Found inBurnett, E. My melancholy baby [SR] 1922?: label (A. E. Adams; composer of The mill by the sea)
RLIN21, Nov. 9, 2006 (hdg.: Adams, A.E.; Adams, A. Emmett)
Always cry for the moon, 1928 (Emmett Adams)
CCM, WWW site viewed November 30, 2016 (Adams, George Archibald Emmett; born 1889 in Sydney, Australia; died 30.Oct.1938 in London, England; songwriter, lyricist, arranger)