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Wheeler, Joseph, 1836-1906

LC control 88000299
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWheeler, Joseph, 1836-1906
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Variant(s)Wheeler, Mr. (Joseph), 1836-1906
Fighting Joe, 1836-1906
Birth date1836-09-10
Death date1906-01-25
Profession or occupationGenerals Legislators
Found inLawson, L.A. Wheeler's last raid, c1986: p. xiii (Major General Joseph Wheeler)
NUC pre-56 (Wheeler, Joseph, 1836-1906)
Extract from Congressional Record of Tuesday, March 1, 1887, 1887: p. 1 (Mr. Wheeler)
Bio. dir. Am. Con., 1961 (Wheeler, Joseph; b. Augusta, Ga., Sept. 10, 1836; graduated from U.S. Military Acad. at West Point; served in U.S. Army until Feb. 27, 1861; served in C.S. Army, reaching the rank of Lieutenant General in Feb. 1865; assigned command of the Army Corps of Cavalry of the Western Army in 1862 and held that position until the end of the War; studied law and admitted into practice at Wheeler, Alabama; presented credentials as a Democratic Member elect to the 47th Congress and served March 4, 1881 to June 3, 1882; removed in favor of William M. Lowe who contested the election, but subsequently elected to the same Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Lowe, serving from Jan. 15-March 3, 1883; elected to 8 succeeding Congresses, serving from March 4, 1885 to April 20, 1900; served in the Spanish American War; commissioned Brigadier General in the U.S. Regular Army in 1900; d. in Brooklyn, N.Y. Jan. 25, 1906)
Team of giants, 2024: CIP galley (Joseph "Fighting Joe" Wheeler; General Joseph Wheeler)