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Diercks, Gustav

LC control 88003323
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingDiercks, Gustav
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Variant(s)Diercks, Theodor Gustav, 1852-1934
Birth date1852-01-13
Death date1934-01-04
Place of birthKaliningrad (Kaliningradskai︠a︡ oblastʹ, Russia)
Place of deathBerlin (Germany)
Profession or occupationArt historians Ethnologists Asianists Authors
Found inDie Marokkofrage und die Konferenz von Algericas, 1906: t.p. (Dr. Gustav Diercks)
LC database, Dec. 13, 2004 (hdg.: Diercks, Gustav, 1852-1934)
Wikipedia, German, August 13, 2019 (Gustav Diercks; Theodor Gustav Diercks; born January 13, 1852 in Königsberg, Prussia; died January 4, 1934 in Berlin; German art historian, ethnologist, orientalist, author)
Associated languageger