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Robespierre, Augustin, 1764-1794

LC control 88007192
Personal name headingRobespierre, Augustin, 1764-1794
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Found inRobespierre, C. Mémoires ... 1987: p. 32 (Augustin Robespierre)
OCLC, 10-28-2004 (hdg.: Robespierre, Augustin Bon Joseph, 1763-1794) [brother of Maximilien Robespierre]
LC database, Nov. 8, 2004 (hdg.: Robespierre, Augustin Bon Joseph de, 1763-1794; usage: Augustin Robespierre)
BnF Web OPAC, Nov. 8, 2004 (Robespierre, Augustin de (1764-1794))