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Bony, J. M

LC control 88009829
Personal name headingBony, J. M.
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Variant(s)Bony, Jean-Michel
Found inSéminaire Equations aux dérivées partielles (1985-1986). Séminaire ... 1986?: prelim. p. 1 (J.M. Bony)
World directory of mathematicians, 1986 (Bony, Jean-Michel; Prof. Univ. Paris-Sud)
LC data base, 06-13-91 (hdg.: Bony, J. M.)
New trends in microlocal analysis, c1997: t.p. (J.-M. Bony) pref. (Jean-Michel Bony) p. 3 (Centre de Mathématiques URA 169 CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Paiaiseau, Cedex, France)